Left camp a bit ahead of schedule and pushed down the gut of a steady 40 […]
About 29 km, altitude 7874 ft. Started in the clouds for the first 1.5 hrs, then […]
Wow! -10, light crosswind, not a cloud in sight. We did 30.2 km to an altitude […]
Took a while to dig out of camp. On trail 930. Skied 29 km, at 7250 […]
Still stormbound. This one is a real MF. My side of the tent is snow buried […]
We awoke knowing that a big wind storm was coming in today, bigger than previous. So […]
You can’t make this shit up!! Standard slow day waiting for the arrival of the dogs. […]
Our one week anniversary in camp was met with some good news. The dogs are moving […]
Storm broke overnight. Eric had been up to dig out the tent about 6 times during […]
Howling, churning, battering, relentless, pounding, whiteout. Like the agitation cycle on a washing machine with snow/wind […]
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