The team at Oamaru

Day 10: Summit to Sea!! Whoop whoop

Another glorious day to start out, and we did start out before the sun started to cook us and before the wind picked up. The bumps seemed magnified…..we’ve gone from tenderized to pulverized.

Biking in front of the elephant rocks

Lots of up and down, past ‘elephant rocks’, and oh so many cows!!

Biking past a group of cows

Down through the old tunnel (headlights required)…

Prepping for the tunnel!

Stopped at the Fort Enfield pub for a glorious coffee.
The people are so incredibly welcoming…at the pub they provided ginger beer tasters for kicks!

Stopped at the Fort Enfield pub for a glorious coffee.

The people are so incredibly welcoming…at the pub they provided ginger beer tasters for kicks!
Then a long slow descent into the park, looped through old town and finally, finally we made it Oamaru and the ocean!!!

The team at Oamaru

We miss Dave hugely but I am happy to report he’s safe and sound in Edmonton!!
We went to a glorious pub after dropping the bikes off and had Scott’s pizza. No words – tasted like heaven.

Tomorrow we head back into the mountains!!!

P.S. todays stats:
Average speed: 15.2 km/h, maximum 51.7
Total ascent: 613 m, total descent 741 m.
Distance: 55km


14 Responses

    • That tunnel is radical! Love how you could literally see the light at the end of the tunnel!!
      So sorry to hear about Dave’s knee! Glad to hear he’s safe and sound back home.
      Glad you enjoyed amazing coffee and pizza!


  1. All this bike riding—looks like the team is ready for an IRONMAN soon, haha! Glad to hear Dave is safe and sound back in Edmonton. Wishing him a speedy recovery while the team keeps crushing it on the trails.

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