Day 9: This is a perfect trail

Morning coffee from the big blue Yeti today to get the team ready for day 2 of cycling.

But let’s circle back to last night. The place we were staying in had this massive pub and bar. It was like the roadhouse inn. I half expected Patrick Swayze to come in. Didn’t stay to the real action started but wow, what a place. Their motto ‘low and slow’.

8 am start: we popped over to the local store to get some brekkie, some fluid and off we went. Started out on the road in a peloton – nice speed and then we were back on the A20 bike path Dale said ‘this is a perfect trail’!! We did some up and some down, around eucalyptus, down along cedar groves, past two dams, multiple vineyards, and then along the water. It was a stunning path today.

Dale enjoying the “perfect” trail

We landed in Kurow, which was to be our lunch spot, but we were moving at such a great clip that we ended up stopping for a coffee break. I think I have found the best coffee shop in the entire world. Waitaki Braids. OMG! Triple flat white for me with a shortbread cookie, some meat pies for the boys, scones – heavenly. We set off again on ‘the perfect trail’.

Our team soaking up the stunning views

The only fly in the ointment was the occasional crossing of the dry river bed, which was full of chunky rocks. Needless to say our “nether-regions” are feeling a little bruised, or maybe just tenderized. We landed in Duntroon just about 1 o’clock. It’s our final destination for the day. The hotel wasn’t open yet, so we went to The Flying Pig and had more meat pies for the guys. Then a lot of pool til dinner time…..

The crew ready for more meat pies

P.S. today’s stats:

  • Distance 60km
  • Mountain biking ascent 360m
  • Mountain biking decent 520m
  • Average speed 17.2km/h!!!!!!
  • Max 69km/h

60km in under 2 minutes


20 Responses

  1. Great shirt Perry and super time on the road by all of you. Enjoy The Flying Pig (fantastic name for a pub by the way, I may need to borrow that for Garrison.)

  2. I love the Strava animation—it really shows how far you’ve gone! I use Strava for my runs, and it’s been fantastic. Wishing the TYL team safe travels!

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