We woke up to another glorious day in Tuk. We went walkabout and looked at a […]
We rented a car for the drive from Inuvik to Tuk – we had been forewarned […]
Ascent 264m, descent 265m, distance 47.31k What a glorious day – near bluebird sky, the road […]
Ascent 206m, descent 231m, total distance: 74.6 km Déjà vu all over again…..we are out of […]
Ascent 376m, descent 289 = please tell me how this is possible when going from the […]
Ascent 1166m, 79.3km………….nothing else needs to be said – but I will anyway. Usual wake up […]
57.6 km Ascent – 751m, descent 660m – Max speed for Dave 64 kph down a […]
dawned SUNNY and glorious – early brekkie of bagels, granola – and we were ready to […]
Dawn mist – Dale predicted it would clear, he was kind of right? 55km 24m up, […]
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