Dawn mist – Dale predicted it would clear, he was kind of right?


24m up, 141 down

Max speed 25.9 kph

Breakfast – Dale’s oatmeal – raisins, walnuts and oatmeal covered in maple syrup – can you get more Canadian than that? Nice start given the damp, misty day – lots of energy.

Stunning ride following the Ogilvie river –gentle slow downhill allowing team to find a nice cruising speed. Road starting to get more challenging, holes, water, gravel, and soft spots. We have completely given up on trying to be clean – thank god we got front fenders from Icicle bikes or we be completely splattered. I pulled driving duty this am – listening to Sheryl Crowe and taking panoramic photos of paradise.

We have a great walkie talkie system with two out on the road and one in the RV – allows us mostly to keep in touch – it has been a brilliant safety mechanism and of course has led to some funky call signs to know who’s who. Pretty critical as Dale (Newheart) left his bike pack at the break – Suneet (Mountain Rafa – long story, big crush…sorry John) was able to turn back and pick up the pack. But it isn’t perfect and around the mountain bends we can lose the signal which makes everyone worry a bit.

We road past our original stopping point, feeling good and riding strong and also to make tomorrow’s ride a bit shorter – found a great spot by the Ogilvie river to have break and then tucked ourselves off the road for camp. We are battling the water shortage and this is changing the menu so we can minimize dishes!! So back to burgers and hot dogs on the small propane BBQ that Dave brought. Massive bubble and squeak dinner.

Rain started to pour just as we were finishing so into the RV we all went – Dale’s licorice for dessert. Multiple hands of hearts, Suneet getting the two D’s mixed up – has happened all trip so far – like ‘Chip’n’Dale’ except ‘Dave’n’Dale – just a couple of crazy transplants out to have some fun’.



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