Day 14: Epilogue

“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your front door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.” – LoTR Tolkien

Truly hard to believe we’ve come to the end of another Test Your Limits adventure. This was number 11!! Dale and I were just talking about how after the first adventure in 2006 we kind of thought wow one and done. Look at us now 11 TYL‘s later.

This has been a first in many ways for the TYL team. It’s the first time we’ve done a multisport adventure. That in itself required everyone to train in many different ways to be prepared to paddle, bike, and of course climb. In addition, there were lots of personal firsts on the trip like rock, climbing, down climbing, ropes, biners, and of course, awesomeness on crampon. To say nothing of rock holes (Dale/Suneet) that tried to swallow the team. So sorry Dave couldn’t join us for the full trip. Was super great to have him at the beginning, always appreciate his tremendous sense of humour and optimism.

As is always the case with a TYL adventure, there are many thanks that need to be given. I want to do a great big shout out to the team at Alpine Recreation who were amazing. Elke and Axel made the trip on the ground exceptional. Their ability to maneuver, change the plan, adapt to the changing weather and the team’s needs was remarkable. If ever you find yourself in NZ this is the team you want to spend your time with. They have many adventures to offer, the country is outrageously glorious and I can’t overstate how incredible Alpine Rec has been.

Yamnuska Mountain Adventure – well they’re family. This is the third time I’ve had the honour of climbing in a TYL trip with Barry Blanchard. You may not know this, he is truly a Canadian legend, an icon, a man with many first ascents to his name. But what’s amazing about him is his humility and respect, his ability to make each climb feel unique and remarkable (even if it’s like a cake walk for him!!!).

First time with Tim Riccci. Needless to say his tank is always full, he’s always go and always there. Although I listened to more Toto singing ‘Africa’ (mostly with the wrong lyrics) than I could ever want to. Every single time Tim came by me he would start singing the song …whether it was behind me paddling, or on the bikes or in the mountains. In fact yesterday when we arrived at the cars, he had the song on endless loop 😱. Tim was our master planner and responsible for the overall trip itinerary. The TYL team felt that this was an incredibly awesome adventure – three separate activities in one trip. Can’t wait to spend more time with the Yamnuska family. Heads up Canada, Yamnuska is the best.

Of course to my teammates, thanks for the laughs, the encouragement, the support and the teamwork. We nailed it. Dale continues to astound. 25 years post heart transplant. Forever grateful to his donor who made all these dreams come true. Many thanks to the team back home covering my practice and the division, allowing me to have the time off and to be way in the back country, off grid. Massive shout out to Anne, Sam, Augusta, Alanna for doing the blog (even with the crazy time change).

To those of you who have supported TYL over the years, please know that your gifts have made a difference in the lives of Canadians. We continue to support the mission of heart health and wellness, and don’t forget your life is worth one hour a day!! And remember – ‘not all who wander are lost.’


10 Responses

  1. It was fun following along the trip. Read all the blogs of each day’s itinerary. Hope to be a part of such amazing adventure in near future. I would love to go on such cool adventure with like minded people!

    • Okay so my keyboard had some glitches 🙃😋!
      Let’s try again!…

      I’m smiling so big and have happy tears for all of you! This was Huge! Glad it was such a success for everyone’s personal goals. Thank you for continuing to trek and raise heart health awareness for us 🙏 Everyone back home is proud of all of you for your efforts and achievements!
      Loooove the pictures!!
      Stay safe, safe travels and Keep Smiling! You did it!!!!


  2. This is only the 2nd TYL adventure I have been at UHN to follow. What an amazing thing to do. It’s inspiring to watch and follow your journey. A rush in my office chair! A push to the gym for my next adventure. Thank you for everything you contribute to the community in so many ways. See you when you get back. Congratulations to everyone on another hugely successful trip, and a true testing of your limits. Unlimited – that’s my assessment.

  3. What an adventure! The photos are glorious but I’m sure only tell a fraction of the story 😉😉
    Congratulations to the team for all their personal achievements!
    Enjoy some rest and down time now

  4. Amazing JOURNEY! Congratulations!!! It is huge achievement and thanks for sharing the joy of journey with all of us!!! HUGE HUG to everyone! Safe trip back!!

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