57.6 km
Ascent – 751m, descent 660m – Max speed for Dave 64 kph down a crazy hill (Suneet 58.1, FF 58.4 – so super fast descent but lots of climbing)
What a day – sunrise clear and gorgeous just after 6 am – as usual we started with Coffee (I mean really right?) – 3 pots or 3L between the 5 of us. French toast for brekkie (I knew there was a reason we brought Suneet [man can she cook]!). Then we were off.
I am not sure what it is about the idea of plains that they just don’t get here. Plain – unadorned – so that definition doesn’t work cause this is just about the most beautiful countryside I have ever seen. Plains like Abraham’s plains or the Serengeti plains…….not so much. Yukon Plains is equivalent to Alberta’s foothill mountains – Up/Down/Up/Down – well you get it, essentially anything but actually flat. But having said that it was a glorious ride in to Eagle Plains, population 9. We came across the Hotel, Gas and restaurant like a Bedouin seeing a mirage and realizing it is actually real. FINALLY some connectivity (though TBH I haven’t missed it), so we can update everyone.
Dave is fixing the RV water situation, we reloaded to full level water and will be able to come off water rations, we have gassed up and we will be able to have a SHOWER!!
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Enjoying all the travel news.Sounds like a fun trip .Everyone is send ing their best wishes for a safe fun trip
Love Peg