You can’t make this shit up!! Standard slow day waiting for the arrival of the dogs. When I awoke I thought the best thing about today was going to be clean undies. Man was I wrong!

Glorious day. Went for a walk, read in the tent, passing the time. Tick Tock, Tick Tock. Then after lunch we got a call that we could hitch a ride on the Sikorsky chopper to Dye II. Be ready in 45 minutes. We broke camp at speed.

Chopper arrived and we loaded up all our gear and 200 kg of dog food. Ran into the dogs who were mushing on their way to meet us and loaded them up. OMG. 31 dogs, two sleds, two mushers and our kit. The chopper couldn’t lift off till it burned some fuel because we were above weight. Off we went.

31 dogs, two sleds, two mushers and our kit!

Awesome Air Greenland Crew.

As we arrived to Dye II you could see the runway beacons. WTF? Dye II was a Cold War early warning station, abandoned in the late 80’s with 6 hrs notice because it was declared structurally unsound (though it has survived on the ice cap!!!).

So all they could do was take the ‘secret’ stuff as they had to ski-daddle (note my ‘pun’) but everything else was left behind.

Set camp in a blistering wind.

@polarexplorers are the best!! Not only did they move us closer to our destination but they delivered choco and whisky!!



3 Responses

  1. Seems you had a much better day ???????? ?? You all must be thrilled to be on the move and closer to your final destination. I’m sure that helicopter ride will be unforgettable. Love that pic with all those gorgeous dogs packed in there. Looking forward to many more photos of those pooches ? Happy skiing tomorrow!

  2. Glad to hear that you are on the move and that there is chocolate! Love the blogs/updates so please keep them coming. Stay safe and enjoy the experience.

  3. Must feel good to get moving. Change of scenery. Must of been quite the ride with all the dogs and gear. Glad to hear you got your whiskey supply back up. Take Care and be Safe.

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