And Then There Were 3

We are still at Chimborazo lodge. Alpaca’s wander freely about – they have the furry faces vs. Llama’s that don’t. We met THE Marco Cruz yesterday – and had a great visit. He has written a book on the mountain, its history, flora and fauna. 

We are T-1d, and unfortunately the weather has really socked in. Cards, cards and more cards. We have one day of grace in terms of the summit attempt so we will need to see what the weather looks like for tomorrow = if no good we will then push it to Tuesday in the hope the weather will be better…..such is the nature of big mountains.

We wandered back into the small village and stopped at a different lodge today to access the wifi. Yesterday was truly priceless – the 4 of us were sitting in the Casa lodge, asked for the password, were given a book with it listed – this awesome password C@S@CONDOR2023. followed by a separate line of 7 numbers. We tried and we tried, we mimed and asked……..Dale (Luddite) comes along and enters the 7 numbers quick as you please without the rest of the nonsense and gets on first try……HYSTERICAL 

Heartbroken, Perry’s right ankle (previous surgery) is not doing well post Iliniza – carrying a 50lb pack on that terrain and to top it off he rolled it yesterday – he is now splinted and won’t be coming up the mountain.

So it is down to Dale, Farid and me who will – with our guides Barry, Shaun and Nacho – make the attempt. Dale is super strong and doing really well – I remain, as always, inspired by him. 

PS: Paso de la Muerte video below!


9 Responses

  1. I wish I was there with you all. The summit yesterday looked amazing.
    Sorry Perry… for the rest of the team, stay together, stay strong, but mostly stay safe.

  2. What an incredible summit. The video is spectacular!
    Sorry to hear about your re-injured ankle Perry! You’ve accomplished remarkable feats while there – thank you!
    Heather, Dale & Farid may the weather hold out for you and you remain extremely safe & sound and continue to do the best that you can, whatever that may be. 🙏Our thoughts continue to be with you over the next few days.
    Go Team #TYL23 !! ❤️

  3. COMMON 3!! You are doing so well. Get to it. I know you got this! So far, you have smashed previous TYL altitude records already. I have no doubt you can do this too. Fingers crossed for the weather – totally out of your control. Job well done so far team.


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