Last night we had a Greenland BBQ reindeer. Today we got the weather forecast and it […]
Up to organize gear and get it over to helipad. Chopper will take us out en […]
Landed in Kangerlussuaq. 500 people and a very big runway. Snowing, cold. Did practice tent setup, […]
TYL team has arrived in Greenland! -9 and overcast with some snow. Gear check today. Them […]
And we’re off! This is a pretty grueling trek – we are skiing across Greenland – […]
This week was a particularly grueling one for training. Blustery winds left over from the Nor’easter […]
One of the longer runs today. We scheduled for a morning run to develop the habit […]
This morning the degree of difficulty of yesterday’s run was confirmed with some definite residual soreness/leg […]
So massive snow storm today before, during, and after the run. In the unlaced sections, feet […]
Monday’s runs are meant to be easy to recover from the long distance of the weekend […]
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