Up and Over… Tombstone Park to unspecified camp ground – 64k – camp nestled up a […]
Pair off to Arctic Highway towards Inuvik, Welcome to Tombstone Park 71km Overcast with mist, burned […]
We started the day with everybody congregating around the RV. We got all the bikes (still […]
While Dale and Dave continue to drive to crazy 2000 km from Edmonton to Whitehorse, Farid, […]
Well it is day one of test your limits. We are up here in Whitehorse waiting […]
Test image
Well, as they say – that’s a wrap. We are safely across Greenland, in the small […]
Well we did it!! We met the mark!!!! Weather cleared long enough at the end of […]
It was a long day in a snowstorm with zero contrast so we went a little […]
Today brought the sunrise in around 430 am. Helped dry us out, magical as there was […]
Skied 33 km for a net of 31.5km. Altitude 6050 ft. 12 inches of snow overnight. […]
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