Interior of the hotel room, filled with hiking equipment

Started the day with a breakfast bang bang – what is that you ask? Well brekkie is included in our Hotel Q – which we ate, but we were in dire need of an espresso – so we roamed around our area and found an amazing place called ‘Dough’. The plan was just to have a coffee but when we looked at the menu, well, we had a second breakfast, a two ‘same’ meal event known as a bang bang.

A coffee at Cyril coffee shop

Back to Hotel Q and met up with Shaun and Barry – and went through a full run of the trip, our goals (safety, healthy, fun, summit in THAT order) and gear check. A couple of items missing shored up with a quick trip to the mall – and we are geared up.

Hiking equipment laid out in the hotel room
Heather Ross sitting with a lot of hiking gear

Watches are in triplicate as Farid looks at the comparison between FtiBit, Apple and Garmin in terms of predicting how we are acclimatizing and our risk of complications from altitude. 

A note from Farid: To support a much bigger study at UHN, the team is comparing and contrasting health info from 3 different watches: apple, Garmin, Fitbit. Each of us wearing three watches for the whole trip and comparing the data at the end to see if they agree with each other and are accurate. Hope is to also use the info to pace ourselves and minimize risk of altitude sickness.

Suneet wearing 4 different smart watches

Went for Mexican food – Perry ordered a giant burrito, OMG, he came close to finishing it. Rain came down in sheets on the walk home – drenched but happy.

Perry eating a burrito at a restaurant in Quito



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