Well we are now T-36 hrs to start. Today is all about computers, cameras, and cables!
Matthew Antolin’s legacy continues to live on. A former patient of the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre, […]
Well, what an ordeal! They got the plane fixed. We will be leaving in about six […]
We are battening down the hatches for a significant storm, with winds expected 40 to 50 […]
The Russian specialist engineer is not due to Punta until Saturday… Apparently he has to be […]
Thank you to all of the readers who have submitted questions for Dr. Ross and the […]
Well, OMG… Here we are again, stuck, as the Ilyushin isn’t flying. Apparently they switched an […]
We got into the DC3 and made our way from South Pole Station back to Union […]
We were incredibly lucky to get a tour of the station. What an amazing place. There […]
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