Bhutan Day 6

Altitude: 8990
Temperature – in the sun 25!!!
Brian recovering – everyone else is well
Camp has been affectionately known as leech central – I had 3; Suneet 2 and our guide 1. I had to wait till Dale got a photo before I could remove mine.

Bhutan – Today is a holiday marking the end of the monsoon season! We can only hope
Philosophical musing – didn’t I say the last time that it would be my last time?
We all woke early to an amazing day – we could see white capped peaks in the distance > 6000m high. The routine is getting established – we start with a hot cup of whatever moves your fancy – for me it is a mocha. Then we get a bowl of hot water for washing. About 1 hr later breakfast is served. Today we had eggs, porridge and toast
We went down to the hot springs today – these are sulphur springs. They are incredibly popular here – people will walk in for 2 days to spend a week camping at the springs. The road was only put in last year. We hiked down a steep hill losing about 500m. Had a nice dunk in the curative springs and then of course had to go back the way we came.
Hot Springs

Hot Springs

Lunch in camp. Then this afternoon we walked into Gasa to see the Dzong – these are fortresses. This one was built in the 17th century to protect against the Tibetans. The town is very small and they were celebrating the end of the monsoon season and the official start of fall. There was a huge lawn dart tournament.
Team at Gasa Dzong

Team at Gasa Dzong

Back to camp – and the arrival of our 25!! Count em 25 ponies. Tomorrow is a big up and over day – likely 7-8 hrs of hiking.
Dale at Camp

Dale at Camp


8 Responses

  1. Hi Dale and gang. Glad to see the sun shine for you. The blog is great as usual. We are getting a sense of Bhutan and I cant tell you how relieved I am that the rain seems to have let up. Heather dont try to bring your “new best friend” as a carry on back to Toronto.

  2. I agree with Perry. Pictures of the leeches would be intriguing. There was no discussion about the reaction to the leeches. Although most of us would have the same reaction. So Dr. Ross, you don’t like bugs. But how do the leeches compare to the bugs.

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