Bhutan Day 5

Altitude: 8990 feet
rain, rain, rain
23 degrees
Brian had acute gastro through night but already at 85%!!!!

Bhutan moment: there are dogs everywhere….and I mean everywhere
Philosophical Musing – the dog – in Buddhist countries people are very caring of dogs, they feed them, and look after them – this is because after a dog’s life they can be re-born as a human being. You want to be kind to dogs so that after you die when you go through the intermediate state – ‘bardo’ – the dark state – the dog will lead you out.
We had a busy night last night as Brian had acute gastro – he was a real trooper. We had a quiet morning till about 10 and then went to Punakha Dzong it was built in the 17th century – 1637. All royal weddings are held here. It is again divided into govt side and monk side. Stunning – 3 separate courtyards. The largest temple tells the story of Buddha.
Prayer Wheel

Prayer Wheel

We had lunch and then started on the road to Gasa the town we are overnighting in.
Today’s road made yesterdays road look like the 401. I mean really……5 hours to do 75 km, we got stuck once, we climbed 5ooo feet – it was a jaw clenched for sure. Dave and I would like to nominate it for the most dangerous road in the world and as Suneet said – it is a state sponsored road….
The "Road"

The “Road”

We are in Gasa overnight and met our camp team – Camp Organizer – Kaka; Cook – Karma ( my tummy is very happy about this name…….mmmmmmm); Assistant cook – Kuenzen; Camp Assistant – Dawa (also local guide); Assistant – Kencho
Brilliant to arrive and see all the tents up and camp organized – met with hot milk, tea, warm water for washing and cookies.
We meet the ponies tomorrow!!!! we don’t know if we will get Yaks for the higher altitude but for now we get ponies..

Punakha Dzong


Testing Her Limits

Testing Her Limits


3 Responses

  1. Hi. Looks like you are making great progress. The pictures sure look interesting. Need more of them. Keep up the great pace will look in again latter.

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