Up and Over… Tombstone Park to unspecified camp ground – 64k – camp nestled up a bit in the mountains, glorious site full of all the bags of salt for the highway


Altitude gained  – 270m, descent 724m, we cycled through the clouds! the mountains towering around us – close tight (hence no sat signal). The huge granite mountains look like they shed gravel, the brush has all started to change colour to a burnt orange and red.

Animal sighting – Yukon swan, murder of crows.

Suneet did one big driving leg and was almost arrested as she stopped on the airport runway to wait for us. There were two runways nearby, one looked private – Dave and I saw this little 4 seater emerge from the bushes and take off – it looked crazy, can’t imagine landing that on the small runway.

Overcast with BIG wind – right at us…… made the descent feel more like flat… thank god for some drafting and peloton riding.

Complete tech failure, over and over again……despite multiple attempts by FF, DS and HR….Garmin InReach didn’t work, Iridium Sat phone (no signal) and Immersat was a disaster.

But at least we knew that Suneet was cooking – Teriyaki heaven!



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