Today’s stats:

61 km distance (has to be worth so much more given wind)
Peak altitude 4550m
Camp 4087m
Max speed 54.3 on descent
Slow speed on ascent 4.5

Cal burnt 2700

Perry has gastro. It became obvious late last night. He’s doing much better today but took the day off.

Glorious day to start our way up to the 5th pass. Teamwork and it was easily achieved.

At the summit there was a woman weaving local sweaters.

Farid pulling up towards today’s pass.

At the top of the 5th pass.

Making clothes.

I signed, and Dale and I attached the prayer flag at the summit to thank the major donors who’ve made the Ted Rogers Heart Function and Heart Transplant Program the success it is today – big shout out to the Rogers family, Peter and Melanie Munk, and for Test Your Limits, of course the Delaneys.

Signing the prayer flag at the 5th pass.

Nice descent into another valley. The kids were in school today and through every small village we passed they’d put their hands up and wave to us. It certainly buoyed us on. Dale had crayons and handed them out to the locals.

Dale giving out crayons.

Had a picnic lunch. Then we had a further 30 km. And boy did the wind light up with a vengeance (OMG, WTF, FML, MF, SOB; thanks for letting me vent….oh bad pun). There were mini tornadoes, dust storms – required lower gears to go downhill, then hail and snow. The last 30 km took a really long time.

Camp worth it, nestled below a mountain, prayer flags and kids running around. Enjoying Nepali tea and M&Ms. Shockingly Dale found a Diet Coke and I’m in heaven.

Goatherder just ran 500 goats on the other side of the stream where we are camped!!



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