The day started with Perry having red eye and Dale losing his Yak bells. Dorje and Perry went to drugstore and back to market to buy another set of bells (I so want to spell that differently). The rest of us hit the road. Within the first 10 clicks Dave had two flat tires! Later during the ride metal wire took out my bike computer.

In the end:

Total distance approx 97km. Descended 250m. Up 490m. Cal 3000. Camp at 4208m.

Steady headwind of 30kph with moments of 50 kph and gusts threatening to blow us off the road. It was a long, tough ride. Three of us have saddle sores. We rolled into camp; everyone pretty whipped.

Stats to date…… So far we have biked >26 hrs, 450 km, 13000 cals, overall average speed of 17kph. Average temp 11 degrees. Overall elevation gained 3520m. Peak elevation achieved 5027m.

Mayhem at the side of the road.

Big angry bulls when we were doing tire repairs.



4 Responses

  1. Looks amazing despite the unfortunate events. Yak bells , flat tires and angry bulls… Oh my! Here in Toronto we are complaining about rain. Cant’ wait to see next leg of this incredible adventure.

  2. Those bulls look really mean!!!! Glad that they didn’t try to help with the bike repairs! Hope you had a restful evening at camp. Keep up the great work and just keep pedalling!

  3. Sounds like a rough day. But your stats are amazing. You are inspiring me to get biking again. May the wind always be at your back. Good Luck and be Carefull.

    Jerry Scheenaard.

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