Well here we are in Yellowknife – uneventful flight in after brief delay in Calgary for lightning. Met Dave at the airport and YES all the gear had arrived. Checked in to the Explorer Hotel and then courtesy of the amazing team at the welcome centre took off on some wonderful 1 speed bikes for a tour of the city (free bikes!!!!!).

Perfect day – warmed up nicely to about 23 degrees.

Bug meter – 2 (oh if only it will stay that way)

We were too late to pop into any of the craft stores but got a good feel for old town.

Yellowknife is about 22,000 or so souls. Originally known for gold…..a couple of big diamond mines have the town hopping. It sits beautifully on Great Slave Lake. Second largest lake in the NWT, deepest lake in north america and 10th largest lake in the world!!!! It came to fame during the fur trade. It is named after the Slavey Indians

We went out for dinner to Coyote and had steak and then on to the Black Knight Pub, a happening place.

Today we fly out to Fort Simpson and meet the amazing team from BlackFeather!!!

TYL has begun again…..

Arrival in Yellowknife

Arrival in Yellowknife

Crazy Riders

Crazy Riders

The Boys

The Boys


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