Nahanni- Day 2 Glacier Lake

Got up early this morning (time change and so much sunshine). Dale, Dave and I went to the Wildcat Café, our trip advisor saying it opens at 7am, but it was closed.  We walked for an hour all the way back to another java stop which was brilliant. It was open as it is on the ground floor of one of the big diamond companies.

We all then went back to the hotel, reviewed gear and made our way out to the airport. Nearly lost a bag- I had not put a new baggage tag on it.  And while we were waiting for the plane the incredible people at First Air figured it out, called my cell and fixed the problem. Wow that was close!

We took a twin prop into Fort Simpson, about a one hour flight. Black Feather was there to greet us. We went to their camp and had a brilliant lunch, reviewed the gear, got paddles, PFD, helmets and our dry suits.

We hauled the stuff to the dock and loaded up two planes. Plane number one was a twin otter and plane number two was a four seater Cessna. Rob (Guide) and I took the Cessna with Tor, our pilot. Wow was it something- we had a canoe tied down to the actual pontoon and it caused quite the drag on the plane. It took us just under two hours to fly to Glacier Lake, but what a flight! Tor rules the sky! We flew over mountain tops, into canyons, close enough to see the sheep (and maybe even their nose hairs).

We landed on Glacier Lake and met up with the other plane-they took just a bit over an hour. We set up camp by the lake. For dinner we had salmon on cedar planks, corn and salad and for dessert we had shortbread with whipped cream and strawberries. Who said we were testing out limits?

Bug meter 3 out of 10.

Please Note-The TYL group is travelling in an area with intermittent email reception so Heather called in the blog update to voice mail. The team will be able to send some photographs later today or tomorrow morning. Stay Tuned! 


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