The Russian specialist engineer is not due to Punta until Saturday… Apparently he has to be really small so he can fit in the engine – I kid you not –to repair the part… So even if the situation is perfect and he repairs the plane Saturday, they test it, and if the weather holds the soonest we can get in will be Sunday – but in truth, no one is expecting it to go that smoothly.

To entertain ourselves, we put our cross-country skis put back together. Dale and I went for a 15-kilometre ski out to something known as the US Cache– detritus from a prior camp. Diego worked on his tan. Michel created an igloo.

michel igloo

Dr. Michel White and his igloo



The shower

diego tan

Dr. Diego working on his tan.


The highlight of the day was a five-minute shower. You take really hot water, a great big pail, a hose and a small pump and can provide a very quick shower. BEST EVER!!!!! Clean body, clean hair, refreshed viewpoint.

Diego has been working his charm and his multiple “ins” among the workers. We found out that tomorrow is the last of the eggs and tonight was the last of the Diet Coke. Being the gentleman that he is, Diego gave me half of his. Although certain food types are diminishing, there are apparently vast stores at Union Glacier so at this stage it is not something they’re going to worry about.

We’re working on getting medication for Dale from Punta and that part of the plan is going well. Given that, we now have Plan A, which is if the Ilyushin is repaired; Plan B to bring the medications in by the Chilean air force; Plan C is the DC3 takes Dale out; and Plan D is to adjust some of his medications differently. I’m feeling a lot better about that knowing that there are alternatives.

Everyone’s maintaining their spirits as best as possible. We really want to come home.


3 Responses

  1. Happy to see that everyone is clean and in a great mood: keep it up!
    Enjoy this time at this very special place: everything happens for a reason and for you you had to learn something in this unexpected “waiting time”.
    Thinking about you all, big kisses to michel xxxx

  2. Congratulations to each of you for standing on the South Pole. What a great way to “BRRRING” in 2013!

    Really appreciate the excellent job you’re doing on the Testyourlimits blog. Your attention to detail as you post your stories and the colorful photos, gives us at home a sense of what you’re experiencing.

    Hope they found a little guy to fix the Illyusin and that you’ll all soon be on your way home.

    “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.”

    It appears you four live life to the fullest!
    Hi to John.

    Safe travels home,
    Sioux Dahlem (John’s wife)

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