View of the hills in Ecuador

We were pretty stoked about an easy traverse walk today – which turned into a 10km, 400m just under 3 hr hike, in the rain……..we noticed many many signs about the speckled bear, honestly I didn’t think we needed to worry about that as well on this expedition?

The day was completely rescued by the therapeutic hot springs!! We MacGuyver’d bathing suits and went in. It was awesome – there was a river pool which was at about 4 degree Celsius. Barry, Perry, Farid and I tried to see who could stay in the longest. A local man was watching and just shaking his head – I shouted “Canadian” – I mean nothing more needs to be said right? We agreed to a tie – a few minutes in, with numb extremities and blue lips. We went back and forth from the River pool to the hot springs – felt like complete heaven. So you don’t have to unsee any images…..I have decided not to share any photos😀

Back in to Quito – dinner tonight (Italian again) and a huge day tomorrow for another peak!



6 Responses

  1. The hot springs sound so soothing. Perfect before another big hike. 4 degree River – pass. That’s s even too cold for the Lock Ness Monster and Nelly 🥶🥶🥶🥶.
    MacGuyvered bathing suits?!?!? 🙈🙈🙈

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