dawned SUNNY and glorious – early brekkie of bagels, granola – and we were ready to head off super early……and then a funny smell from the RV bathroom, and it wasn’t one of us. Just as we had the water fiasco (no way we went through 170L in 2d) we have had a grey water fiasco (despite the monitor saying only mildly full) – it backed up into the shower and soaked all of our paper products…and boy did it STINK……….and there is no store from here to McPherson……..FUN TIMES!!!!
Thank god for Dave who is the King of RV everything! And got it fixed – we had to remove all of the soggy wet paper (think active gagging) stuff while Suneet held the hefty garbage bag…….
Finally we started the ride, and lo and behold the photographer who told us that the ride up to Eagle Plains was the worst climb was right. Just as we got going it started to rain and by the time we hit the ridge there was some hail. Farid and I tried valiantly to get the sat system working at the ridge as we were high up but funny thing, Canada Satellite says this system doesn’t work well above 61 degrees, why would you sell something like that in Canada given our geography? (just saying)
Ascent >913m (I forgot to turn my watch on for part of it……) – max incline 9%
Descent 775m
We rode out of the weather onto the ‘plain’ and thought ‘who put the hills in the plains?’ In any case by the time we hit camp at approx. 59km it was absolutely gorgeous! We saw an eagle en route. The road is living up to its challenges with deep seated rocky centre, like a Roman road, and soft edges, as well as potholes and some ridges – impacted the max speed which was about 54 km on a stupendous downhill.
Camp is at the top of a hill – trees are only about 15 feet high, all the Poplar are yellow and the sky feels like you could reach out and touch it.

We made nachos, cheese, hot peppers, salsa, gauc and sour cream appy, sorry to say this but our table is the toilet seat with a cardboard box upside down on top (hey, practical and it works) and then the main is chicken fajitas! We are being extravagant as we hope to refill our water at Eagle Plains……..
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