Nahanni Day 7

We are camped at the entrance of the Hell Roaring Creek where it enters into the Nahanni.
Paddled: 35 km!!!!!
Altitude loss: 30 net meters
Bug Meter: 3/10; fewer wasps
Footprints at campsite: Bear and wolf

Started the day in the rain. Had a great breakfast in a Dutch Oven using coals – result was a large carrot muffin/cake. Delicious. Packed up the canoes and again rain, rain, rain.
However a couple of hours in the sun came through the haze and we stayed away from rain for the rest of the day. We paddled overall for 6 hours. Amazing. No technical bits today just easy paddling.
Came across an area that a month ago was involved in a forest fire and you could still smell the ash. The park was actually closed for a while. No active fires seen.
Rob entertained us on the water with a dreadful riddle that neither Dale nor I could decipher. Otherwise it was about the rhythm of the paddle in the water and the incredible beauty that is the NWT.
Pulled in and set camp. At Hell Roaring Creek Dale cast his line out but no luck. Chilling right now over cards under a tarp as the rain is back.
Spaghetti tonight!
The Dining Room Table

The Dining Room Table

Where are we going?

Where are we going?

On the Water

On the Water


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