Nahanni day 8

Distance travelled 30km

Vertical lost 25 m

Top speed – 14 km/h

Bug Meter – 3/10

Wasp Meter – 1/10

Weather – terrible!!! Lots of rain and about 14 degrees

But what a gorgeous day – We started with cinnamon buns cooked in the Dutch Oven! More cowboy coffee and off we went. Wendy led us through some am Yoga to get us stretched out. We had a wonderful 5 hr. paddle. Saw a glorious bald eagle high in the tree top. And also saw a pair of Yukon Swans – pristine white against the darkness of the day and the sky – absolutely magic.

Stopped for lunch while the rain kept coming down – grilled cheese and hot chocolate. Switched into our rain suits (dry suits) and felt way better for the afternoon.

We pulled into camp – next to an alluvial fan (in essence a rock or cobble fan, a flood plain for a stream – narrow at the top and very wide at the bottom). The fan is so huge it looks like a construction zone. Full of rocks with fossils.

Of course in camp we have the requisite footprints – Caribou in addition to Moose and Bear. We got a rabble rousing game of cards (Euchre) and while playing had a debate of Seal vs. Heidi Klum – I totally said Seal but Dale said 100% of men and 25% of women would choose Klum. Whats the verdict??

Still raining……….

Burritos for dinner!!!!!!!


Beautiful bald eagle

Beautiful bald eagle


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