Day 7 on the Ice Something magical about today…….we hit our 60 nautical mile target – […]
Day 6 on the ice We woke up again to the usual ugly weather, blowing snow […]
Latitude: 89.14.5 Longitutde 136.27.25 We have skiied 44.8 nautical miles over the ground to date.Today was […]
Take extreme weather and harsh condtions – put them in a blender and you have today […]
Wind is 35 mph – with gusting to 40 mphsustained > 25 mphdrifted 5 miles south […]
Location – latitude 89.15.736 (i.e. 45 miles to go). Lost 2.1 nautical miles during sleep due […]
location: latitude 89 degree, 09.9 minutes, longitude east 123 degrees 04.1 minutes, elevation about 3 feetwe […]
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