Our team will be re-united in Patriot Hills in 15 minutes.  The ALES group was able […]
The team is patiently waiting at Vinson Base Camp – the weather has not been cooperating […]
Last night was an overly exciting adventure. Unfortunately I awoke at 1am with high altitude pulmonary […]
It was -35, windy, and sunny for our summit bid.  We got up at 7 am […]
What a day! We moved to high camp.  It was a long and arduous day; 8 […]
Well, it was quite the day.  We hiked up to high camp – about 4 km […]
We woke up this morning to -30 degrees. The condensation in the tent resulted in small […]
Thursday evening, Mt. Vinson.We got the call this morning that we were off to Vinson. We […]
Well we are up and at it first thing this morning and Mike, who gives us […]
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