Some more photos from the trails on Day 12-14
Day 14 Weather 18 degrees sunny/cloudy Altitude 3100m Everyone is well Shout out: Thanks to Nona […]
Day 13 Everyone is well!!!!!!! Altitude: 3250 m; 10725 feet Weather – the first day without […]
Day 11-12 Altitude: 15,797 Philosophical musing: the meaning of TEAM Bhutan Moment: Snowman Trek is the […]
Bhutan Day 10 and 11 Apologies we could not get a signal last night…… Philosophical musing […]
We are experiencing some issues with connection. Everyone is well and healthy. Will update the blog […]
Bhutan Day 9 Altitude: 12,370 Weather: everything Everyone is well Shout out: John and Suneet’s 10th […]
Bhutan Day 8 Altitude: 12,370 Weather: overcast most of the day Everyone is well Shout out: […]
Bhutan Day 7 Altitude: peak 12795 Temperature – 20 varying in sun was 25, shade 20 […]
Bhutan Day 6 Altitude: 8990 Temperature – in the sun 25!!! Brian recovering – everyone else […]
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