Day 13

Everyone is well!!!!!!!
Altitude: 3250 m; 10725 feet
Weather – the first day without rain……but still lots of mud
Shout out: to – Connor, Foxy, Malah, Brody, Max, Mila, Healey and Penny and all dogs everywhere

Bhutan Moment – Distance walked has no clear relevance whatsoever with the quoted imperial or metric reference distance – it just is what it is – you’re there when you’re there
Philosophical Musing – Everything is relative (Einstein)
Yesterday we safely saw Suneet off on her donkey and then broke camp. We followed and arrived at the camp about 2 hrs after Suneet and Brian. Much improvement with the drop in altitude and the meds – as a result we don’t need a chopper. We came in as a team and have decided to trek out as a team. And what a trek out it will be.
Suneet as Godiva

Suneet as Godiva

Gammo Bag for Rescue

Gammo Bag for Rescue

Miserable weather yesterday – covered it all off rain, sleet, hail and snow. Had a group behind us want to find out where we had our jackets made – they wanted to buy one!!! Rock on OSC. Gave up my gloves to one of the women from the US who did have warm enough gloves – they are on their way on Snowman.
Had an early dinner, listened to tunes and crawled in the bag around 715 pm
This am – everyone well. We started a further descent of about 3000 feet. Glorious day. Though still much mud. We actually spent some time just sitting on the edge of the trail in the sun! We had two of our adopted dogs follow us all day today – they slept outside the tents again yesterday and barked up a storm – who knows what was out there? the famous Yeti?? Today the walked with us on trail – we will see how long they stay with us.
Got to camp, charged up our devices and right now just sitting back with popcorn and tea.
Still don’t know our exit strategy – have a few more nights of camping and walking to get out.



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