Pair off to Arctic Highway towards Inuvik, Welcome to Tombstone Park 71km

Overcast with mist, burned off – high of 22C, slight tail wind. Quote of the day: “Up, disguised as level…” That is the best way to describe today. Total up 865m, total down 278m, for a net climbing of 587m.  

Team made good time. Dale, Suneet, Farid and myself set off with Dave in the zag wagon. Kind of like a yo-yo. Dale and Suneet leading the way on the uphills, me and Farid leading on the downhills, with a max of 66kph for yours truly. Everytime we would catch them on the downhill and then they would pass us on the uphill, rinse and repeat.  

Dave did our first stint of driving and he handed it over at 50km. I drove the crazy camper, ‘CeeCee,’ from there on up into the camping park. There were no spots available in camp, so I backtracked to the team and we took a turn-off onto a nice level gravel patch. Beers out, chips and salsa, soaking up the rays. Then the park ranger arrived and told us we were on the helipad and they were coming to pick up some large barrels and that we wouldn’t like the stench. She gave us permission to use camp four which was a commercial spot. Suneet and I bombed back to camp in order to secure it.

On the way we had our first animal sighting, a gorgeous bull cow moose! Of course we were scrambling to get the cameras going and only caught its behind.  I won’t share that photo. Gorgeous campsite with three picnic tables, three platforms for the guys. Suneet and I are in the RV tonight… And every night. Tonight is gourmet hotdogs and burgers, sauteed onions, old cheddar and fixings. Uphill tomorrow, so Suneet has a full protein breakfast planned to get us up and over it.  



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