Bhutan – Day 1 Thimphu

Altitude 7400 feet
Temp – in sun 28 degrees; Sunny – Cloudy – Threatening……
Everyone well

Philosophical Musing of the Day – The holy thread is traditionally known as “sung keys” – “Sung” meaning to guard and “Keye” meaning thread. The Sungkeye is spiritual holy thread where a small knot or double knot is made after it is blessed by a high priest. It is normally worn around your neck all the time to keep oneself protected and also to ward off evil spirits and other misfortune that one may face in future.
We were blessed with a Sungkeye on arrival in Bhutan – all of us are wearing them
We are Here!

Well we are here!!!!!!
it was a 330 am wake-up call to get to the airport for our flight. Smooth sailing into India then a 30 minute up and down to Paro. If you haven’t seen this landing please go Google it!! I felt like I was on JR Tolkien’s eagle moving between the clefts in the mountains, bending and banking. WOW
We met our guide Khandu and does he ever have a can-do attitude. We hopped in the bus for the ride to Thimphu the capital. Population of Bhutan is just under 700,000. First road was built in 1962, there are no railways. #1 export is Hydro followed by tourism. The current government is hoping for 10,000 watts from hydro by 2020! Largely energy is exported to India.
On the drive we stopped by an iron bridge built by a Buddhist saint in the 15th century – John I can’t believe Suneet went across but there are photos to prove it. Then on into Thimphu – no streetlights just what they call a ‘dancing policeman’ who effectively controls one of the major intersections – a sight to see and thank god I wasn’t driving or I wouldn’t have had any clue what to do.
All Smiles
Local lunch then we split up and went exploring – Suneet and I chilled at the Karma Kafe – brilliant Americano. Dinner at the hotel and early to bed!
On the Bridge


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