One foot after the other. Feeling the impact of each stride as we run laps around […]
Mount Everest
We have started the long journey to get home – today 13 hours in a small […]
What a final ride. We went up and over again to end up in the town […]
What a day! Oh my – what a day! We woke to clear skies and moved […]
We almost saw Everest. We cycled up to Rongbuk. Unfortunately Everest isn’t on our agenda. She’s […]
Nice easy morning wake-up. Cowboy coffee, porridge and eggs. Got on our bikes around 915. Our […]
Some call it a billion dollar road. We just called it a B#%^*!? 43 switchbacks to […]
Last night knowing there was a rest day we got jiving pretty well in our food […]
What an interesting night. I was using the throne tent when I heard some unusual noises […]
Today’s stats: 61 km distance (has to be worth so much more given wind) Peak altitude […]
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