Day 14

Weather 18 degrees sunny/cloudy
Altitude 3100m
Everyone is well
Shout out: Thanks to Nona for being up at all hours 24/7 to get the blog up!!!!

Bhutan moment – The Bhutanese do not recognize the word Bhutan to describe their country – they call it Druk or land of the thunder dragon
Philosophical musing – you can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometime, you might find, you get what you need (Rolling Stones)
Last night’s dinner was 5 star – pizza and spaghetti!!
This am woke up to colder temperatures but overall nice day. As we continue on our, about 70 km, walk out we were able to slow the pace and really enjoy some of the local countryside. We followed a river almost the entire day – overall up/down around 1000 feet. We had lunch at a wonderful spot and met some hikers from the UK. Spent time skipping stones.
Team relaxing at rivers edge

Team relaxing at rivers edge

Day 14 on the Trail

Day 14 on the Trail

In traditional Ross fashion I found a perfect spot for a skinny dip in the glacially fed waters – I’m afraid that Suneet has a photo to prove it which we will not be sharing….in the interests of national diplomacy
I spent the day humming the stones tune and thinking that yes it is true that we were unable to complete the snowman trek, but I think each of us took something special from the experience and after all that is what it is all about
The exit strategy remains unclear – we will keep everyone in the loop
Brian Chillaxing

Brian Chillaxing


One response

  1. So…..not only have you all “tested” your limits, but you also “know” your limits. Congrats to you all and looking forward to seeing you all home safe… Rhonda O

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