We had telephone calls at 1 am and 350 am, and a door knock at 4 am to be sure we were up and on our way to the Chengdu airport. We got checked in and then noticed my name in lights on the big billboard – turns out there was a lithium battery left in one of the checked bags (not allowed anymore). Smooth flight and this time we landed in Lhasa! We were met by our guide Dorje. All the luggage arrived and away we went .The airport is about 60 km from town – very modern road, some high rises (unexpected).

Altitude – 3777m.

Partly cloudy, 18 degrees.

Our hotel is just outside the old area of town. We dumped our stuff and Dorje took us on a walkabout. It is a festival day. People to Lhasa come from all over Tibet specifically for today. The Jokhang  Temple was packed, with people praying and paying homage to Buddha. There were many fires burning incense for good luck – throughout the city. When we went into the temple it was full of people. There were large vats/bowls of melted butter with candles in it – between the press of bodies and the smell it was overwhelming!

We made our way through the old town on our way back to the hotel we found a donut maker and had awesome fresh donuts.

Put the bikes together – some pretty fancy mechanics happening but all is well. Everyone is coping with the change in altitude.

Tomorrow Potala Palace – World UNESCO heritage site.




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