Lafferty's Creek

Nahanni Day 15 and 16 – Lafferty creek

Up at usual time today and did an easy hike back into the Dry Canyon – lovely walls stretching up it seemed like forever – got back to camp, packed up and then got prepared for George’s Ripples (I mean really who are we kidding, ripples? 5-6 foot standing wave is a ripple??? on what planet is a 5-6 foot standing wave a ripple?????).

We packed up the canoes and paddled down to a gravel bar that happens just prior to the ripples. We pulled over and scouted the ripples – the purpose is to do…..WORMS – water, obstacles, roots, maneuvers, safety – so that is what we did – there was a large rock with a hole right behind it, another creek coming in creating some swirly water – once we knew what we were about we set off. Perry and Wendy stayed on the gravel bar to do some filming (which I can’t send cause the file is too big but once home I will upload it on the blog).

We set off – biggest waves yet – everyone through safely with much hooting and hollering. No one went swimming…….yeah – see the crazy sequence of Wendy and Perry coming through the waves.

Post ‘ripples’ we had lunch and then a 25 k paddle through 1st canyon to Lafferty’s. We set camp and then hiked up the creek to an amazing swim hole, Rob horsing around on the stone slide – necessary as the weatherman (Perry) had warned us it was going to be very hot – but it was about 30 degrees!!! We all grabbed a swim and are now safely back in camp for Burritos.

Another Euchre fest tonight….Mike and Perry won the day

Ross’ – say a HUGE SHOUTOUT to Ingybingy, John

BRO and DAD Dave – and CAROLE

Molly and Pops

Due to the granite high walls of first canyon Dale and I have just hiked an hour to find a window to send the blog……

Today is a rest day so we will not update until tomorrow!

Rob doing the slide

Rob doing the slide

Perry and Wendy on the ripples Three

Perry and Wendy on the ripples Three

Perry and Wendy on the Ripples Two

Perry and Wendy on the Ripples Two

Perry and Wendy on the Ripples One

Perry and Wendy on the Ripples One

Lafferty's creek

Lafferty’s creek


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