We woke up this morning to -30 degrees. The condensation in the tent resulted in small snow storms everytime you moved. The sun came out from around the mountain at 11 am and immediately the thermal energy hit the dark clothing we are wearing and the temperature rose. We broke camp at 2:30 and headed up the Branscombe glacier. We got in to this camp (New Camp 1, just shy of Old Camp 2), set up camp, and dinner is now on.

As you walk the heat from the bowl effect and thermal energy is overwhelming – so much so that for the most part we walked in long sleeved long underwear. When you stop it is a whole different ballgame. And when the sun goes down well then watch out.

Dale is doing great. His oxygen saturation is 97%, his heart rate around 100 – or normal for a heart transplant recipient. I must say I find him completely inspiring – he took his own gear, one of the 3 food bags, as well as Yanick’s XS in order to have a boom in camp. His fitness is remarkable, let alone for a transplant patient. I am in awe.

We will likely do a carry to the camp at the top of the headwall – it is only 4 km but 800m elevation gained, hence very steep. The mountain certainly has traffic on it – groups such as Mountain Madness, Mountain Team, ANI etc.. It makes for a very festive time at dinner at breakfast.

Thanks as always for the comments. I read them at bedtime through the tents to the team and they are always appreciated!

PS Kyle: Starbucks is a coffee company who make my favorite triple vente non-fat latte – something I would truly enjoy about now. 


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