A Muted Day

A tough day all around today – Suneet injured her knee on Cayambe, and despite her incredibly stoic nature, it is clear she can’t continue. We have been working through that problem (thanks to our Plastic Surgery colleagues), and she will make her way to Quito tomorrow to fly home on Friday. 

Suneet sustained a knee injury on the Cayamabe attempt.

And from Farid, who found out his grandfather died today.

“My grandfather’s journey with end-stage heart failure profoundly impacted his life, with lots of suffering at the end of his life. Our family got first hand experience of this disease. His passing fuels my commitment to the TestYourLimits expedition. Through this expedition, my hope is to honor his memory and contribute to a future where fewer families have to face the challenges we did. This is more than an adventure; it’s a heartfelt mission to change the landscape of heart health for generations to come.”

Stay safe everyone.

"This is more than an adventure; it’s a heartfelt mission to change the landscape of heart health for generations to come." - Farid


11 Responses

  1. Suneet – you have such a darling smile admist what you’re going through! May your spirits remain positive. Best wishes to you for a safe and effortless journey home. Thank you so much for your efforts to help make a difference for heart failure & transplant patients and research! 🙏❤️
    Thank you Farid for sharing your grandfather with us. I’m sorry that he suffered so. He was and would be so proud of you for what you’re accomplishing on these expeditions.
    Namaste to all of you 🙏❤️

  2. Farid my heart goes out to you. May you carry your grandfather with you on your journey and may his memory lighten every step.
    Sunseet-stoicism and giggles- they will be missed by your team I’m sure. May you heal well and quickly.

  3. A muted day indeed. Condolences to Farid; you have the team there and home to help carry out the mission.
    Suneet, s–t happens, sorry about the timing of your injury.

  4. Hi team! Great to see all your progress so far.
    So sorry to hear that Suneet was injured, I hope she recovers quickly at home.
    And condolences to Farid. I am sure your grandfather would be extremely proud of you.
    You are all so inspiring. Keep up the positive energy.

  5. I am just getting caught up in earnest. I’m so sorry to read this entry. Suneet, I’m sad about your knee and hope you travelled safely afterwards. Faird – sending you condolences for your grandfather. He is with you on this climb I’m sure. Despite the sadness in this entry it is still inspiring and punctuates the value our health has on our lives.


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