Summit Attempt on Cayambe…

Team started to get the flutters and the butterflies – tonight at midnight is the summit attempt. We spent a few hours doing avalanche training – learned about theory, and history – about the triangle: terrain, snow, and of course, us…..things that lead to avalanches.

We then went out and buried the transponders and each of us in pairs had to find it – really incredible how the technology has advanced. 

Big lunch – more cards and then getting the gear ready.

Early dinner followed by bedtime at 6 pm with an 11pm wake up. 

I stayed back with some altitude issues. 

Team set out right at the strike of midnight – I have to say I couldn’t fall asleep for thinking of how they were doing. 

Around 4 am, Suneet arrived back at the Refuge – concerns with footing, darkness, and confidence of walking in the pitch, up a slope, on ice, in crampons…..

The team headed out for their summit attempt at midnight.

Around 5 am, Dale arrived back at the Refuge – concern was ’empty,’ nothing in the tank. Just completely spent.

Other groups started to come back as well, those that had not summited for a variety of reasons: altitude, terrain, challenge….

We waited, we waited, we waited…then we got the radio call, Perry and Farid were on the top!!! 715 am – incredible! What an accomplishment!!

Perry and Farid made it to the top of Cayambe!

They made their way down to the refuge arriving back at around 1030. Perry spiked himself with a crampon – gash on his left leg which we immediately attended to. We had already packed up all their gear so as soon as they got some breakfast in them we drove back down.

We are now in Cotopaxi park at an awesome place Los Mortinos Hacienda – tomorrow is a well earned full on REST DAY…….and we will rest…….


20 Responses

    • The avalanche training sounds tres cool and interesting! (I just rewatched Vertical Limit last week too – a favourite for sure.)
      The buildup of excitement for such a journey …. unreal. I hope all of you are so proud of yourselves! All of us reading and watching are. These are incredible accomplishments!!
      Great video and pics as always!
      Go Team #TYL23 !
      PS Please tell me you’re stretching, lots! 😉

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