This week was a particularly grueling one for training. Blustery winds left over from the Nor’easter in Boston forced the long run from Sunday to Monday night. I was on service this past week which meant that I did not get home until after 6pm on Monday. The run lasted 2 hours and 4 minutes during which time the sun set and the temperature dropped from 0 to -4. It was the longest night time run I had ever done and probably the most difficult of my training.
The weather cooperated for most of the week, but given the day off on Sunday, had to run every day this week. Some runs required some creative handling of work calls. Siri and voice to text was quite helpful!
Week by the numbers:
Total distance for week: 103km (64 miles)
Texts/pages answered while running: 5
Sore calves: 2
If anyone is interested in what a 16 mile run looks like, see image below from Monday’s late run!
One response
Good luck to you young Lads in Paris. Don’t worry about your time; just make it to the finish line. Cheers