Had lasagna last night- perhaps the best ever (sorry E & L), it is possible there was six pounds of cheese based on a back of the envelope calculations….enjoyed a glass of red wine too (can you believe it?)

Then had a wood fire interpretive session with one of the Dene Rangers- heard about the life of the Dene, herding, trapping, paddling, winter cycles and using the land to live off of- it was pretty amazing.

Crashed mightily into the sleeping bags- and woke up to an incredible storm around 1:30am- based on the coffee mugs there was likely 20-50mm of rain.

Mike, Dave and Dale did an epic hike up a Mountain and a two piece behind, making for a perfect trifecta. They returned in time for hot chocolate and quesadillas.

Perry nd I did a cartography expedition. We went down to the base of the Falls-the power was amazing- steady wind coming off the Falls and significant mist and a profound noise. There is a perpetual rainbow at the bottom of the Falls. We did one portage but the bulk will be down tomorrow morning. Overall there is about 1km to the lower staging period.

Met some neat teams who are in for rafting- One solo and another group of three guys from all over Western Canada. Very friendly camp ground, fire on the go, hot water always on the boil and lots of conversation.

Tonight we had brown beans, yam and ham. Oh how I want to say Green Eggs and Spam, Sam I am.

Dave sends a shout out to friends and family at the SEBA Beach Regatta.

Mike has given up on channeling Chuck Norris and has gone full on and is currently channeling Jack Bower. Cant wait to see what he looks like at the end of the trip.

All is well, everyone is good.


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