Well, what an incredibly long day we had yesterday/today – Dale wins the prize: 6 flights in 48 hours…..we landed at Delhi last night at 1 am.

Today we waited to board our flight to Nepal…..temperatures about 38 degrees in Katmandhu – ohmygod

Magic, though, when we got here: chaotic city, friendly people, not as hot as expected, but humid. Saw some 8000m peaks from window of the plane. As we came in to land the mountains around the city seemed big but we know they are only baby ones!

Jani joined us in Montreal – just passed her LMCC’s and off to Vancouver to start family medicine – interested in humanitarian work – has cut her teeth in Rwanda and Venezuela. Raphael also joined us – UBS man – has been over 6000m on Cotopaxi.

Dale’s thrilled as the beer only comes in 1 L sizes (I am turning a blind eye Peg and Stella – though only for the first one).

Met our guide Manu – took us shopping, bartering and then to a great dinner Pad Thai – it is 8:45 pm here and the place is still hopping. Dave has found a bar with live music – we’re going to stop by, but not till after the climb.

Thanks very much to Swiss International Airlines – we had great flights over – smooth all the way.



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