Well, we are here.

We flew at 33,000 feet in the belly of the great Russian beast.  We visited all parts of the plane — wow, is it neat!  It was a wild flight.  It took 90 seconds for the plane to come to a halt on the ice, bumpy but amazing to be here.

We couldn’t get out to Mt. Vinson tonight.  Weather is socked in there, even though it’s only 200 km away and here we have unlimited visibility.  We have made camp and are drinking hot drinks in the guides tent at Patriot Hills.   The people are lovely, can’t quite get over Yanick and his camera mic which has a decidedly rude shape and has occasioned some interesting nick names. Visited the medical tent and had a good discussion with Dr. John Apps and Ben who is an ER nurse.  All in all feels great to be here. Not too cold; about -10.  The team is doing really well.


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