What a day today. Up and at it early, getting packed up. Picked up for the […]
27 degrees and gorgeous clear blue sky – the good news is that the sun is […]
27 degrees, overcast and intermittent downpours. Up and at it pretty early – serendipity we all […]
Well we had quite the evening last night. Customs issues, the drone, luggage and taxi service […]
Flight was gorgeous and smooth, and we arrived in Hong Kong first thing this morning. It […]
On April 19 the Test Your Limits team participated in a Google Hangout online event hosted […]
TORONTO – An Ipsos study has revealed that as many as 1.8 million Ontarians mistakenly believe […]
I have the ultimate luxury of working in the Heart Function Exercise Laboratory at Toronto General […]
Every Saturday and Sunday, Rail Trail and Christie Lake trails were the paths for my long […]
Nahanni Day 18 – Lindberg Homestead We woke up to a miserable morning with drizzle, mist […]
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