Today was a day of organization! Keith and Dirk arrived at 9 am and went through all of our gear again – to make sure that we were taking what we need, no more, no less. So there were adjustments to be made, sacrifices, food (goodies) left behind……..but we managed to make it fit.
We loaded our sledges – Dale – 36kg, Michel 37 kg, and me Yipee only 33.5 kg (prior to adding all my electronics – OMG).
We sorted food out rather frightening how many kilos we have – diet is very high in fat and carbohydrates…..not what I would recommend as heart healthy.
We went out to the airport and had orientation and weigh in….rules from the Russians….
Barneo was set up via parachute drop on March 20th, 9th year they have done it this way – the runway was ploughed in 24 hours – 1500m long (plane only needs 800). They have erected the tent city with common areas and sleeping areas, as well as private areas for research (its primary mission)
Tomorrow we fly out, dare I say, weather permitting, at 930 am – 2 hour 15 minute flight.


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